Saturday 4 October 2014

Almost One!


I'm so sorry that I'm the worst mother in the world for not updating this. Don't take the lack of updates to mean lack of love. We do love you so much! You are the light in all our lives. Amelia is just so enamored with you, sometimes she loves you a little too hard. But you give as good as you get, usually.

Let's see, you're now 11 months old a full fledged walking boy! You took your first steps at around 8 months, but other than dabbling in it, you really didn't decide to walk until 10 months. I think you would have earlier, but we went to Utah this summer to introduce you to the Kinsel family (who all adored you, and who you cried every time anyone even looked at you), and you were a little skeptical, so I think you delayed your walking until we got home.

You do say 'mama' and 'dada', but not necessarily in relation to me and dad, but you do say your own adorable form of 'thank you' it's so stinking cute. You'll hand me something and then say 'thank you'. So I think we have to say your first word (or phrase) is 'thank you'.

You are definitely starting to get frustrated with us if we don't give you something as fast as you want it. You especially love your food. If you even catch a hint of something to be eaten you're over there, fast as a flash, begging for a bite. You'll try anything. And get really mad if you don't get a bite (you throw yourself back). Sometimes it's not even food, but you think it is and, of course I can't explain that it's not.

You're still a pretty bad sleeper, you've discovered the joys of sleeping in our bed, and while you're perfectly happy with that arrangement and would do it every night and I are not so pleased with it. We're glad you sleep, but you're a bed hog and dad and I are reduced to sleeping on the edge. So hopefully you start sleeping full nights in your own bed soon. This is one area where Amelia has you beat, she was a much better sleeper than you.

But other than that, you are a fantastic baby. You love to dance when you hear music. You already love Thomas the Tank, every time you hear the theme song, you get the biggest smile and dance around. You have a Thomas book that you carry around and love it when I sing the song and dance the book around.

You're definitely a momma's boy. Which I love. Mia preferred your dad at this age. You love to climb on my lap for cuddles and you love to bury your head on my shoulder. I admit, I love it too and I know it's going to be way too soon when you're going to not want to cuddle.

Seb, dad and I often remark how much we love you and how we're so happy you're in our lives. Amelia loves you so much and is always wanting to play with you. You also adore her, if she's anywhere near you, you're always running to her and laughing at her antics. Our lives are so much happier with you in it. We waited a long time for you to come and you are absolutely worth the wait!

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