Monday 26 February 2018

Way too long!!


It's been far, far too long since I've updated this blog. I'm so sorry sweetie. But I'm recommitting myself to doing it.

Seb, you're 4.5 years old and seriously such a fun boy. We all love you so, so much. We try not to tell you this too much, but you're one very, very clever boy. You taught yourself to read at age 3, and you've memorized all the US states and their capitals. You can even identify which state goes where on the map. You also love world geography and love playing with your globe. You love naming countries in Africa and learning about new countries. We recently finished watching the Winter Olympics and it was your dream. You loved all the countries and cheering them on while they competed.

You also know and love everything about space. You know all the planets, when they were discovered, how many miles Pluto is from many earth years it takes for Pluto to go around the's crazy! You just love doing things like this.

You go to 'playgroup' which is an informal nursery. Your best friend there is Jackson and you guys like to play the 'big' cars and the 'small' cars. You also have such great conversations. You're ready to go to Kelvindale Primary next year and be in big school with Amelia (which still boggles my mind how my baby can be so big).

You have a pretend unicorn called 'EllaCorn Unicorn' and she lives in New Zealand, but goes to Canada on Mondays. Ellacorn Unicorn (you always say it like that) has been a pretty good friend for a year now. It's hilarious to see how your mind works.

You're still such a sweet, cuddly boy and people are still very drawn to you. All the teenagers in the ward try to compete for your love. But you only love Rhona, who is your babysitter two days a week. You love Rhona more than most people. It's fun to see how well you guys get along.

You're such a lovely addition to our house and you're a great big brother to CJ and generally play pretty well with Amelia. You do like to tease her though!

I'll try to be better at updating this!

Love you,
