Thursday 18 February 2016

Terrific Twos!

Oh Seb, I'm so, so sorry I've neglected this blog for you. I have no excuse, you're such a joy to be around and we all adore you so much. I need to capture these moments. So I'm going to try to do better. Let's see, you're very much a 2 year old and you are talking up a storm. For the longest time, you just kind of grunted your demands, but now? You're Mr. Chatty Pants. You're a little mockingbird that will repeat anything we say to you. And you're so, so clever! You have actually identified certain words on these word tiles that Grandma and Grandpa sent, you can 'read' 'Pizza' 'Crazy' 'Purple' 'Green' 'Yellow' 'Blue' 'Brown' and several others. It's pretty amazing. You also know all your numbers and love to point them out everywhere you go. It's pretty adorable as well. So even when you started talking more, you'd never say Amelia's name. You would just point to her or grunt at her. But now you have started calling her 'Ree Ree' and we can't figure out how you came to that one. But it cute. She taught you to say 'I love you Ree Ree' (you also say it with mommy and daddy). It's pretty much the cutest thing ever. For being a two year old, you're pretty mild. Though you're starting to throw tantrums and get frustrated when things aren't exactly right (we give you the wrong cup for dinner or you can't have 'coke for kids' or I put more water in your cup when you didn't want it, even though you'd been asking for it just a minute earlier). But thankfully, they're few and far between. Amelia is such a great big sister.

She plays so well with you (most of the time), she takes you up to her room and together you love to play 'airplane'. I'm not sure what that entails, because she never lets me in while you're playing it. But it seems like you have a pretty good time. You also love to sing. You're really into this CBeebies panto called 'Peter Pan'. You love all the songs and will dance around. You're still a huge fan of Pointless and will often gleefully tell us what the jackpot amount is and you cheer when someone gets a pointless answer and groan when they get it wrong. It's pretty fun. You're getting so much better with other people. You love Hazel, who came to watch you for a few months while I was in school. Oh, and you're going to be a big brother! I think you're going to be so jealous of this little sister coming. You get jealous when Amelia cuddles with me, I can't imagine how you'll be with a needy baby. You like to pat my tummy and say 'baby' and it's pretty cute.

You got a baby doll for Christmas and you regularly get me or Dad to take off the baby's clothes and then you give the baby a 'bath'. You make sure to wash all over, then get it dry with a blanket (or whatever's handy) before putting those clothes back on! We love you so much Seb. You're the absolute light of all of our lives. You're definitely a daddy's boy. You'll hang out with me during the day, but once dad comes home, it's all dad, all the time. You're seriously his little shadow. Dad pretends to be cool about it, but he absolutely loves it! The other day you were cuddling with Amelia and she said 'Sometimes I can't believe he's here, and our lives would be so boring if Sebastian wasn't in our lives'. I agreed very much with her and then she said 'I just don't want him to get bigger. I want him to stay small forever'. Now she knows how I feel about both of you. You're such an affectionate little boy, you love to blow kisses to people and you get so mad if someone leaves the house without giving you kisses (mostly when Dad leaves for work and Mia leaves for school). You're such a wonderful, special little boy. I wish I could open my heart and let you see how much we love you and what a great addition you are to our family. For being 2, you're doing a pretty good job! Love, Mom