Wednesday, 9 July 2014


My dear, sweet Seb,

Welcome to your blog. The closest thing you'll get to a baby book. I'm not great at updating (ask your sister), but I'm going to try to be better.

My dear son, we are so happy to have you in our family. We tried several years to get you here. We tried numerous fertility treatments and had almost come to the conclusion that you weren't ever going to come and Amelia would be an only child. I've never been so happy to be wrong in my entire life. I knew we had a special little boy who needed to join our family. And you have not disappointed.

As I write this, you're 8 months old. And as far as physically, you're very much ahead of the game. You crawled at 6 months, pulled yourself up at 6.5 months and now at 8 you cruise along the furniture like it's no big deal. You even let go and can stand on your own for a few seconds. You've also started climbing, I didn't think it was possible for a baby to climb things before he could walk, but you've proved that wrong! I don't think it's going to be too long until you're walking.

You were born on October 30th, 2014 at UCLH in London. You weighed 8lbs 6oz and you were a very cute baby. You bring so much joy to our lives. I can't explain how much we all (Amelia especially) love you. You are such a smile-y baby and you give them away freely. You'll smile at anyone who smiles at you. If it's someone you don't know, you get a bit shy, but you'll still smile! You've got such a special spirit about you, people are drawn to it. I wonder if that will be something that lasts your entire life? Dad and I teach the Gospel Principles class at church and there are a lot of new/recently active members in the class. You've become kind of a class mascot. Everyone crowds around to see how you are and to give you loves. Ali, an older gentleman is convinced you're a future president or something great. He gave us a very special antique book that is small that he can't read anymore. He thinks you have wise eyes and wanted you to have it. It's in a special place for when you're a bit older. I hope you treasure it, Seb.

You are a very content little guy. You love to putter around the living room playing with the various toys (when you're not trying to squeeze/climb/push your way into places you shouldn't be). You love it when Amelia comes home from school and plays with you, but when she's not around Dad and I are acceptable to you as well. You love giving giant open mouth kisses. It's not unusual for you to grab my cheek and guide it to you for a slobbery kiss.

You've also got teeth! And you're kind of a biter. We're trying to break you from that habit. But you got teeth fast, you already have 5 and 6 and 7 are days away from poking through.

One area that you do need work on is your sleep! You're a healthy above average boy and you still wake up very often through the night. Your sister was sleeping through at this point. And lately, you've decided that you don't want to be put back down, you'd rather be held while you sleep or you decide you want to play. And at 3-4am, that's not an ideal situation. I'm not sure what I'm going to do to break you from this habit and encourage you to sleep longer, but right now, my love, you're taking years off of my life!

Good thing you're cute. We love you so much Seb. We're so happy you're a part of our family and while I can't wait to see what you grow up to be, I am very much hating the fact that you're growing up so fast. I hope you'll still cuddle with me when you're older..right now it's only when you're tired.

So glad you're here and even if I'm eternally tired, I'll take it every time over the alternative.

